
The first class is free!

Shape Shifters believes that yoga should be easy to understand and comfortable to practice. Yoga is beautiful and makes you feel long, strong and energized.

After years of practice our owner, Terra Khemiri, saw too many injuries and people thinking yoga was “not for them” primarily because they did not have the right instruction. Often people feel lost in a big class where the instructor leads from the front of the class and corrections are few or none. Terra decided to teach only small classes (no more than 4 students) to specifically focus on how yoga happens in each individual body. Each day is different for each of us, so your yoga practice should reflect and flow with that.

The results have been amazing. Students feel strong and capable. Now attending large classes is comfortable for them should they choose to because they understand from the inside what each pose is and how it works in their individual bodies.

$35 per class, prepaid in blocks of ten.
Classes limited to 2 students.

Call: (925) 788-4044 to reserve your space today!