Shape Shifters is dedicated to:
- Helping you to get in touch with your health and body by empowering you to participate in your own care and become clearer about your healthcare choices.
- Educating you in nutrition and movement; improving your day to day and long term health and comfort.
- Bridging the gap between Western medicine and alternative therapies through education and service.
We are committed to improving your quality of life by using Pilates to retrain the body, Homeopathy to balance the body, Nutrition to rebuild the body, and Massage to relax the body.
Our culture lives at an extreme pace even in smaller outlying areas. This constant demand on the body and psyche combined with the toxicity of water, air, clothing, and diet creates an erosive situation just like wind and water wear on the earth.
We offer many holistic services with deep, effective, and long lasting cures for even the worst illness and injury. People all heal differently, so exposure to different modalities opens opportunities that were previously unknown.
Our goals are:
Health is the number one topic searched on the internet. There are so many choices, often, people don’t know where to start or what to do. We will help educate you about alternative therapies, and show you how to best integrate alternative and conventional medicine.
We will make alternative therapies available for a larger audience through outreach programs, a new facility, monthly newsletters, a strong online and community presence, telephone services, and wellness products.
Alternative therapies can be financially out of reach for many. We seek to address that by offering discounted packages and sliding scale when applicable.